How to Crop an Image in Affinity Photo

Step 1: Select the Crop Tool

To begin, select the Crop Tool.

Then click and drag on the outer handles to adjust the size of the crop box.

You can move the whole crop box by clicking and dragging inside the box to reposition it.

Step 2: Adjust the Ratio

Sometimes you’ll want to crop an image so that it fits a specific size, like a picture frame. To change the crop to a specific size, change the Mode to “Custom Ratio.”

Then click in the two boxes to type in the measurements.

As an example, let’s say you have a frame that measures 4 inches by 6 inches. You can type 4 into the first box, then press Enter on your keyboard. Then you can type 6 into the second box, then press Enter on your keyboard.

Now this is locked to that ratio. No matter how this is resized, it will perfectly fit into a 4 by 6 ratio.

If you want to change the ratio again, this time to the original dimensions of the photo, you can change the Mode to “Original Ratio.”

Step 3: Straighten the Photo

As one last tip, if you want to straighten your photo, click on “Straighten.”

Now click and drag across a straight area, like the horizon. This will straighten up the photo according to the line you trace.

To finish, press “Apply.”

Now you know how to crop a photo in Affinity Photo. 😊

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